Information for Volunteer Groups

Q:  Where are the meals provided?

A:  We are located on the St. Matthew Catholic Church campus on Wausau’s west side.  We are located in the Faith Christian Academy school cafeteria, 225 South 28th Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401. 

Q:  When are the meals offered?

A:  We serve meals on Thursday evenings. We open our doors to our guests at 4:00 PM.  Meals are served between 4:30 PM and 6:00 PM, followed by clean up until 6:30 – 7:00 PM. We do not serve a meal on Holy Thursday or Thanksgiving.  Meals are canceled if the Wausau schools have canceled classes due to inclement weather.

Q: What kinds of groups volunteer to sponsor meals?

A:  A wide variety of groups volunteer at Jubilee House including confirmation groups, churches and church-related groups, businesses (nursing homes, Pepsi, hospitals, insurance companies), service organizations (Boy Scouts), Secular Franciscans, and groups of friends and co-workers. School age children are welcome with adult supervision. Children younger than 16 years may not operate equipment or handle cleaning chemicals.

Q:  How do we enter the building?

A:  Guests enter Jubilee House through the glass cafeteria doors off the parking lot behind the school. Before doors are open to our guests, please enter from the rear parking lot through the service entry door by the air conditioner on the east side of the building

Q:  How many guests are served each Thursday?

A:  The number of guests served each week fluctuates from a low of 85 to a high of 150.   Please plan to provide at least 120 servings.  (These numbers include second servings.)

Q:  What types of foods are generally served?

A:  Menus are totally at the discretion of the group serving the meal.  Donations of food and fresh produce are often available for groups to use. We suggest:

  • A protein serving (meat, chicken, beans etc.)

  • A starch  (potatoes, rice or pasta, bread)

  • A vegetable  (fresh, canned or salad)

  • A fruit  (fresh , canned or salad)

  • A dessert (bars, cake, cookies, brownies, ice cream, pie, etc.)

Q:  Can you give some examples of menus?

A:  Some menu examples are:

  • Spaghetti and meat balls, garlic bread, lettuce salad, canned fruit, cake and bars

  • Sliced ham, buns, cheesy potatoes, canned green beans, cabbage salad, fruit salads, dessert

  • BBQ, buns, potato salad, pickles, baked beans, fresh vegetable relish with dip (carrots, celery, broccoli, cauliflower), fruit fluffs, dessert.

  • Scalloped potatoes with ham, baked beans, coleslaw, canned corn, fruit salad, cake and cookies.

  • Hearty soup and sandwiches, chips, pickles, fresh fruit, desserts

  • Tortillas with assorted fillings – taco flavored hamburger, cheese, tomatoes, peppers, etc., refried beans, Spanish rice, fruit salads, bars.

  • Baked chicken, instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables, fruit salad and desserts.

Q:  Is the food prepared on site or brought in ready to serve?

A:  Both options are used - whatever works best for the group serving.  If you wish to prepare the food on site, please inform us in advance so we can have a Jubilee House member open the facility for you at the time you request. Full kitchen facilities and Nesco cookers are available.

Q:  Do the serving groups provide beverages?

A:  No.  Jubilee House provides coffee, milk, tea, water, and Kool-Aid for our guests.

Q:  What duties are the serving groups responsible for?

A:  Each group will need enough volunteers to cover the following duties.  Usually at least 8 – 10 people are required. Jubilee House staff are on site to assist.

  • Prepare the food for the meal.

  • Serve each food item.

  • Staff the drink table.

  • Pick up used trays and glasses during the serving time.

  • Wash up any kettles, utensils, glasses and trays used in meal preparation and serving.

  • Run the dishwasher (training provided).

  • Clean and disinfect tables and chairs after the meal.

  • Sweep the floor after the meal. 

Q:  What is done with leftover food?

A:  We ask groups to help pack up leftover food.  Containers are available.  Groups always have the option to take any leftover food.  If you would like to donate leftover food, a Jubilee House Member will take the food to the Women’s Community or the Salvation Army.

Contact us about volunteering