Jubilee House is a Catholic Worker House based at the St. Matthew School Cafeteria.  We offer a free community meal and hospitality to all people every Thursday night.

  • Community meal served every Thursday from 4:30 – 6:00 PM.  Doors open at 4:00 PM. 

  • Closed on Holy Thursday, Thanksgiving, and any time a holiday falls on Thursday.

  • Closes for inclement weather whenever the Wausau Schools are closed.

Jubilee House is managed by the Core Group.  The meals are donated, prepared, and served by various volunteer groups, including confirmation classes, businesses, nursing homes, families, Scouts, Churches, Men’s Club, Secular Franciscans, etc.  We also have a group of dedicated volunteers who help staff Jubilee House.

  • While we welcome students to serve at Jubilee House, for safety reasons they must be in at least the 5th grade and they require adult supervision.  Special exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis.

  • We are actively seeking core group members, dedicated volunteers, and serving groups.

  • Contact Us